East Kimberley
The East Kimberly Project is located in the Halls Creek area, approximately 350km south of Kununurra and is readily accessible via the Great Northern Highway. The project comprises of Koognie Park, Sophie Downs, Ruby Plains and Taylor Lookout tenements.

Fig. Location of Legacy Iron’s tenements in the Kimberley Region
The Koongie Park Project lies within the Lamboo Province of the Halls Creek Orogen, which hosts significant resource projects, including the Sandiego, Atlantis and Onedin base metals deposits as well as the Nicholson’s Gold Project (Pantoro) and the Brockman REE deposit (Hastings Technology Metals).
GSWA records also show numerous surface occurrences of tungsten mineralisation within the Taylor Lookout and Sophie Downs leases associated with potential skarn-type alteration, which have not been systematically evaluated and explored.
Koognie Park
Koognie Park is comprised of exploration licence E80/4221, and is contiguous with the ground explored by Anglo Australian Resources Limited (AAR) at its VHMS base metals deposit. AAR has defined substantial base metal/gold/silver mineralisation in two deposits to date, with a total JORC resource (Indicated and Inferred) of 8Mt at 3.3% zinc, 1.2% copper, 0.3g/t gold and 23g/t silver. In addition, AAR has also outlined a shallow supergene high-grade copper resource.
Mineralisation is (VHMS) style and is known worldwide to occur in clusters, and often the early discoveries in these camps are not the largest.Work completed by Legacy to date at Koongie Park has revealed several base metal anomalies.

Fig. GSWA 250K geology and Minedex occurrences and prospects at Koongie Park
Ruby Plains
Ruby Plain’s tenement E80/5068 is located along Tanami Road approximately 30km from Halls Creek. Metavolcanics and metasediments of the Biscay Formation dominate the geology. Based on Legacy’s review of the historical work, four broad target areas have been identified for the initial exploration program. In addition, geochemical results from the latest round of rock chip sampling have been received and confirmed the anomalous tungsten values in the quartz-carbonate veins. These discrete scheelite occurrences (hosted by quartz-carbonate veins) within the mafic volcanics possibly are related to hydrothermal metamorphism (ASX Announcement on 27 November 2019).

Figure. Ruby Plains geology and mineral occurrences. Ruby Plains is dominated by metasediments (brown) intruded by dolerites (green).
Taylor Lookout
Taylor Lookout tenement (E80/5066) is located south of the Great Northern Highway, 80 km southwest of Halls Creek. The dominant geological feature of the lease is the Taylor Lookout anticline. This regionally significant fault has thrust metavolcanics and granites onto sandstones of the Olympio Formation (ASX announcement dated 31 October 2019).
At Taylor Lookout, two broad target areas have been identified as a priority for initial follow-up work. These targets are considered prospective for Cu-W mineralisation.
- Northern limb of the Taylor Lookout Anticline: Skarn mineralogy present at the surface – Numerous Cu, W, and Mo occurrences.
- Frog Creek: Skarn (and strata-bound tungsten mineralisation) mapped associated with a pegmatite that coincides with a magnetic anomaly and structures.

Fig. Priority areas for exploration at Taylor Lookout
Sophie Downs
Sophie Downs tenement E80/5067 is located east of the Great Northern Highway approximately 20 km from Halls Creek. The lease is located to the east of a significant granitoid, the Sophie Downs Dome (pink in the Figure and is considered prospective for multiple styles of mineralisation).This large tenement has not been systematically or coherently explored and has numerous recorded occurrences of base metals, REE and gold. Based on the detailed review of the historical work, the tenement is considered the most prospective for gold and tungsten mineralisation, as evidenced by significant stream sediment anomalies and associations between gold and scheelite in stockwork quartz veining. In addition, tungsten mineralisation has been identified within the lease. It is interpreted to be related to the Sophie Downs granite—an REE anomaly that has undergone little systematic exploration in the past.

Fig. GSWA 100k Geology and minedex occurrences and prospects at Sophie Downs